5 Ways to Personalize Your Waiting Room

Posted on 17 January 2017

No one enjoys waiting. Yet, sitting and waiting needs to be done sometimes. If you think about the times when you have sat in an uninspiring room waiting to see your doctor, accountant, dentist, or hair stylist, every second probably felt like an eternity. It does not matter what type of business or medical practice you have, if you have a waiting room, why not use this space to imprint on guests and leave a lasting impression? Personalizing this area just makes sense.


Logo Fountains 


You can't begin to understand the positive impact logo fountains have on waiting rooms until you have one for yourself. As visitors enter, they will instantly be drawn in by the sound and visual display. While they are waiting, they'll be soothed. Office noises won't be so noticeable, and they may not feel the need to look at the time on their phone every five minutes. Plus, since it will have your logo on it, your business name will get permanently etched in their mind, even if they don't realize they are seeing it.

Wall Decals 

An easy way to dress up a wall with minimal effort is with wall decals. If you are a pediatrician, kid-friendly decals are readily available. For any other type of waiting room consider a quote or something soothing, such as birds or trees. You can also have decals custom made. There are plenty of folks on Etsy that can do this.


If you have fluorescent ceiling lights in your waiting room it is definitely time to swap these for something a little easier on the eyes. Who says you can't have an ornate chandelier or a cluster of funky pendants in a waiting room?


Nearly everyone brings water, coffee, or some type of beverage with them. Maybe you even have a coffee and tea station in your waiting room. When was the last time you saw coasters in a waiting room? Probably never, right? Who cares if they don't get used? They will at least get noticed. You could have your logo or business added to some, or you could opt for something funny that will make everyone smile.


A beautiful rug will make the space feel like a cozy room in a home. If you are worried about it getting filthy from foot traffic, get an outdoor one that can easily be sprayed with a hose outside.

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